Education Projects
New South Wales (NSW), Australia – National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Hill End Project July to September 2019
Contracted by Mayvin Global Australia as consultant/subject matter expert on Asian inbound visitors to Regional NSW, with a focus on developing the place with strong education potential and writers and artists in residence programmes.
Provided insights on the Asian general tourism, cultural nuances and educational tourism inbound market to regional Australia. Provided insights to the final market sounding report identifying relevant sector interest for Hill End Heritage Site, submitted to the NSW NPWS.

Singapore Teachers and Educators Familiarisation trip to Canberra,
December 2017
Participants: 10 Singapore School educators (Secondary and Junior Colleges)
Organised in Conjunction with the National Capital Education Tourism Project (NCETP), Canberra
Interdisciplinary overseas learning journey to Canberra to learn about Canberra’s high quality educational and cultural experiences, explore collaboration opportunities for school immersion and educational exchanges between Singapore and Canberra educational institutions.

Canberra Education Travel Agents Familiarization Trip, July 2017
Participants: 8 Singapore Education Specialist Travel Agents
Jointly hosted by the National Capital Education Tourism Project (NCETP) and Visit Canberra (VC)
Interdisciplinary overseas learning journey to Canberra to learn about Canberra’s high quality educational and cultural experiences, explore collaboration opportunities for school immersion and educational exchanges between Singapore and Canberra educational institutions.
Cambodia Community Involvement Project
Trainers Recce Trip, March 2015
Phnom Penh
Participants: 3 Singapore Trainers and World Toilet organization Representatives.
World Toilet Organization Cambodia Community Involvement Experiential Learning Journey Recee Trip by Singapore Trainers; in conjunction with Gasi Travel.

Singapore Lorong Buangkok Kampong Learning Journey, March 2016
Singapore Trainers Orientation Trip to develop module materials for this local learning journey.
Focus: Learning about the history of Singapore’s multiracial culture and the origins of the Malay/Peranakan culture through plants, herbs, fruits and their influence on ethnic cuisine.
Appreciate the legacy of our forefathers through insight into their early days of kampong living.
Singapore Teachers Sports Education Trip, September 2012
Physical Education, Sports and Character Education
Perth and Busselton, Western Australia
Participants: 12 Singapore primary and secondary school teachers -Physical education, Sports, character development and humanities.
Focus: Visiting institutions and organizations known for sports, character development and outdoor education excellence and places of educational, cultural, historical and geographical interests in Western Australia.
Learning Outcome: Meetings with senior government officials, school principals and institutional representatives to learn about the Australian physical and outdoor education system and to explore exchange programs, collaboration and professional attachment opportunities.

School of the Arts, June 2012
Sydney Inter-disciplinary Arts Learning Journey
Participants: Students and teachers from 4 different art forms – music, dance, theatre and visual arts
Focus: An artistic journey in Sydney, engaging with the Sydney Conservatorium High School, where the musicians had a chance to compare and contrast the difference between a Classical and a Jazz Ensemble rehearsal.

Learning Outcome:
Dancers inspired by master teachers through experiencing new dance styles and techniques at MacDonald’s College and learning new techniques in core strengthening at the Sydney dance company.
Theatre students had workshops at the Australian Theatre for Young People and were driven by their idea that the arts could inspire creative, courageous and confident young people wherever they are and whatever they want to be.
Visual artists had the chance to learn about arts expression through interdisciplinary activities at the College Of Fine Arts.
Gongshang Primary School, November 2011
Track and Field, Little Athletics
Perth, Western Australia
Participants: Track and Field Students.
The aspiring young athletes had the chance to compete with the little athletes in Perth. Beside participating in sports camp and visiting a top sports school in Western Australia, the trip also included a farmstay experience, bush walking adventure, visiting the chocolate factory, wildlife parks, aboriginal cultural tour and other fun outdoor learning and team building programs. The kid set up a blog on the school site about the trip and one participant’s reflections was “I had great fun and this trip allowed me to forge great friendships and strengthen the bonds with my schoolmates”.
Punggol Primary School, June 2011 and June 2012
Malay Cultural Exchange and Enrichment Trip
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
The students went on a learning journey to gain a better understanding of the Malay culture and to develop a deeper appreciation of Malay history through visits to various museums, Sarawak Cultural Village, Wildlife Centre and hands on activities and workshops. The Singapore students also visited local schools and had the opportunity to interact with the local Sarawak school students; fostering ties and friendships.

Woodlands Secondary School, June 2011
Cultural Discovery Learning Journey
Padang, Sumatra
This group of Secondary three students went on a journey of discovery to Sumatra, immersing themselves in its rich culture and language. They visited local school and explored numerous places of interest.
Parkview Primary School, November 2010
Overseas Sports Training Program 2010 (Volleyball)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The school’s volleyball team gained an international exposure through friendly matches with the local school teams and training sessions with a professional Malaysian coach.
Our students gained an overseas perspective regarding Volleyball through the friendly matches and the training by the Malaysian coach further enhanced their expertise in Volleyball.

Singapore Teachers Sydney New South Wales, March 2010
Sydney, Hunter Valley and Port Stephens

10 Singapore primary and secondary school teachers embarked on 1 one week inter-disciplinary educational familiarization trip in Sydney, New South Wales. They had the chance to visit the Australian local schools to learn about their varied teaching programmes and co-curriculum activities and had hands-on experience and on-site visits to various places of educational, cultural, historical and geographical interests in New South Wales. The trip provided them the opportunity to meet and discuss customized Educational programmes for Singapore students with the Australian educational providers. What a teacher said after the trip “Australia will make an ideal destination for our students to experience a very different lifestyle, school life and appreciation for what it offers with its nature and climate”.
Pei Cai Secondary School, December 2008
Combined uniformed groups leadership camp
Perth, Western Australia
The student leaders went on an outdoor learning journey through a series of fun, low risk residential leadership training, focusing on self and group behaviour at Jorema Outdoor Learning Centre, Western Australia. Of course, we had fun as we also engaged in interactive learning, fun games and nature discovery at the Caversham wildlife park and cozy farmstay at The Orchard Glory Farm Resort.
Our school is definitely coming back again next year!
Tanjong Katong Primary school, November 2008
Netball training tour
Perth, Western Australia
The little sports stars gained an international exposure to Perth school teams with friendly matches, exploring their training facilities and meeting the local coaches. They also engaged in immersion and team building activities at the Orchard Glory farmstay and had fun with 4WD sand-boarding adventures at Lancelin (Pinnacles).

Pasir Ris Secondary School, Jun 2007
Humanities, Science and Leadership Education
Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney
The school went on an inter-disciplinary program, covering a wide range of learning areas, including leadership skills, character development, aesthetics, uniformed groups exchange and local school immersion and outdoor education at the Birrigai Outdoor Education Centre in Canberra. The study trip also covered the core academic modules of geography, history, biology, chemistry and physics, through engaging educational programs at various institutions, including a site visit to the Snowy Mountains hydro scheme.
MGS ROCs, December 2006
Methodist Girls School Reality Outside Classrooms
Sydney and Canberra – Science and Geography trip
The group of Secondary three girls went on a journey of discovery to Sydney and Canberra, focusing on the Environment, Appreciation of Nature, Exploration of the Environment, Conservation of the Environment and Application of Science, including a short attachment to Australian National University.
A student’s reflections:
One thing we can really take away with us from this trip is Passion. To be passionate in whatever you do. Passion is clearly evident among the people we have met. Their passion towards space, geology, conservation, wine-making, manufacturing of essential oils, animals and nature inspire us greatly. We realize that PASSION is the key to making any dream come true.